A MVS SYSTEM SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY By Bob Krause The author is a senior systems programmer for Simpson Paper Co. in Anderson, Calif. He has 10 years of systems programming experience, specializing in MVS system software installation and maintenance. Getting Started I recently proposed and justified a system software installation and maintenance methodology for an installation new to MVS. I was forced to commit my years of knowledge and experience installing and maintaining MVS onto paper, and to try to sell my ideas to management. This article is taken from the result. Most of the technical details and techniques are left to the systems programmer's imagination. This overview is designed to give perspective to the various processes many of us engage in, thus providing some insight into how we might describe them to non-systems programmers. The methodology was to be simple, comprehensible, accomplished with a minimum of human resources, and not require a large amount of DASD. Basically, the methodology consists of building a target system, installing preventive maintenance, installing updated products, testing the system thoroughly, moving the updated system into production and providing a RESCUE system. System Software Management Maintaining MVS/ESA and its component system software at current maintenance and release levels is the foundation of a sound systems software management strategy. By keeping system software current, the installation protects its total software and hardware investment, and ensures that new software capabilities and hardware advances can be capitalized upon to gain a competitive advantage. Failure to maintain software currency increases the likelihood that costly software upgrades or conversions will become necessary to meet new competitive business challenges. Installations that intend to use leading edge software and hardware in their strategic business systems must keep their system software current. Installations that fall behind in software release and maintenance levels find that discovering and fixing system software problems is tedious and time-consuming process, often requiring major maintenance upgrades to correct minor problems. Help from IBM in supporting outdated IBM system software can be minimal or non-existent. An installation can avoid the problems associated with aging and obsolete software resources by setting up a solid installation and maintenance methodology, setting a regular schedule for applying maintenance, and installing updated software releases. Post Express: Maintaining and Updating System Software MVS/ESA EXPRESS is the delivery vehicle for implementing MVS/ESA in an installation new to MVS. Once an installation has installed, the EXPRESS system, other installation and maintenance delivery options such as CBIPO, CBPDO or PUT must be used to keep the system up-to-date. The new MVS installation should not delay in setting up a regular maintenance schedule. As the system ages, the options for updating it become more limited, and the task of updating it becomes more complex and costly. SMP/E is the software tool used for updating system software with maintenance or new releases. SMP/E provides change management and an audit trail for these processes. A prerequisite for the implementation of any system software update process is the restructuring of the EXPRESS delivered system into a form that is easily copied to a duplicate target system. The Target System A target system is essential for an installation that intends to keep its software up-to-date. A target system is a copy of the operating system that is used for applying updates. A copy of the production system is used so it doesn't interfere with or disrupt the production environment. Software maintenance or upgrades should never be applied to a running production system. Maintenance and upgrades should always be applied to a test target system. All changes must first be made to this target system, then tested and then moved into production. Having and using a target system requires additional DASD. Space must be reserved for duplicate copies of all system software. To allow for the movement of the test system into production in a timely manner, dedicated volumes must be used. High density DASD devices are recommended: The fastest and easiest method of updating and moving a target system into production is by having the system occupy as few logical volumes as possible. Building the Initial Target System A system properly structured on one or two volumes can easily be cloned or copied using full volume or data set copy utilities. A test system clone of a production system can easily be tested and moved into production. This approach ensures a fast and reliable fallback to the previous system should problems, not discovered during testing, appear soon after cutover. The initial build or restructuring of the target system after an EXPRESS or CBIPO install is a key task and should be accomplished with care and precision. There must not be any data sets on the system volume that are updated outside of the SMP/E update processes. Changes to data sets made by the system or other users and systems programmers will be lost in the system cutover process. This includes system data sets such as PARMLIB, PROCLIBs, IMAGELIB, LOGREC, VTAMLST, BRODCAST, DAE, UADS, the RACF data base, SMF data sets, IPCS data sets, JES data sets, catalogs, page and STGINDEX data sets, or any user data sets. For data sets that are updated by both SMP/E and users, dummy uncataloged copies of these data sets should be maintained on the target volume for use by SMP/E. CICS, DB and NCP software should be kept on separate volumes that are also duplicative. Non-IBM software should be kept on another duplicative volume. The Cloning Process The cloning process not only includes making a copy of the production system libraries, but also making copies of the SMP/E zones that describe the system. SMP/E target and DLIB zones are used by the SMP/E processes to install and update system software. These zones contain descriptions of the components of the system software and information on how they are to be installed or updated. SMP/E zones must be kept strictly synchronized with the system libraries they describe. Once a system's integrity has been compromised by out of sync target libraries and SMP/E zones, it can become unusable. Installation and maintenance procedures must ensure that this does not occur, and provide reliable backup in the event that it does. The SMP/E cloning process consists of copying the SMPE zones to test zones. The duplicated zones must then be updated to point to the duplicated libraries on the target volumes. Once a completely separate test environment has been built, it can be updated by maintenance or new product installs. The Vanilla System: Keeping Software Maintenance Do-able A key to success when maintaining system software is to accomplish it in a timely and cost-effective manner. To complete software maintenance in a reasonable time frame and with a minimum impact on the production system, user installed system modifications should be kept to a minimum and be carefully managed. Unmanaged and undocumented system modifications can cause program failures and system outages when attempting to upgrade or maintain software. When user modifications are unavoidable, they should be packaged in SMP/E format and applied using SMP/E. SMP/E packaged USERMODs are capable of warning when USERMOD elements will be overlaid by maintenance or new product installs. When preventive service or updated releases are applied to the system, SMP/E installed USERMODs can easily be removed from the system and then reinstalled after the system has been updated. Installing Preventive Service A stable system can turn unstable when external conditions change, such as the number of users, addition of new or upgraded hardware, addition of new software, or by exercising previously unused system components. All of these conditions can occur in an installation that is rapidly growing and evolving. Most system software errors have already been discovered by IBM or other users, and fixes have been provided as preventive or corrective service Program Temporary Fixes (PTF). To avoid discovering and debugging problems already solved, and to be prepared for any possible environment changes, preventive service should be installed on a regularly. The more backlevel a system is, the harder it will be to apply the corrective fixes that will be required in the future. Service Delivery Options IBM service is distributed via several methods: PUT tapes are provided at intervals during the year and CBPDO is available upon request. Both contain preventive service since the last service update in the form of PTFs. CBPDO also contains corrective reach ahead service (not available on the most recent PUT tape) and PUT Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information. CBPDO cannot be used if the system has not been updated via CBPDO or PUT within the last two years. For an installation that intends to keep its systems software reasonably current, CBPDO is the preferred alternative, and is recommended by IBM. The Maintenance Process The process of applying software maintenance uses SMP/E, one of the above delivery options and the cloned target system. Preventive service PTFs are RECEIVEd from the delivery tape. HOLDDATA describing PTFes in error are also RECEIVEd. The desired service level is then determined. PSP information about the maintenance levels to be applied must be reviewed and the latest HOLDDATA obtained from IBM. The most aggressive approach is to install all of the maintenance on the CBPDO or PUT tape. A more conservative approach is to install service to a PUT level one or two months behind service of the current PUT tape. This helps ensure that fewer of the PTFs that are applied will become PTFs in Error (PEs). By providing this buffer, time is allowed for other installations to find and fix the problems. Some products, however, require that maintenance be kept up-to-date (i.e., IBM recommends this for DB2). Regardless of the approach used, PTFs that become PEs after the maintenance is applied should be tracked and resolved as part of an ongoing maintenance review process. The maintenance process consists of APPLY CHECK and APPLY steps directed at the target system. Exception conditions must be resolved, and USERMODs and APARS must be RESTORed before the APPLY, then reapplied afterward. Detailed maintenance install tasks should be documented in a task checklist, and backups should be taken at strategic points to checkpoint the process. Installing New Product Releases Updated releases of system software products are provided on a regularly. These updates may introduce new functions, support for new devices, or correct software deficiencies and performance problems. If these updates are not installed, and IBM Central Service support has been discontinued for the older release of the product, the user is responsible for the support of the product and for fixing problems. The result can be increased maintenance costs, unmaintainable software or obsolete systems. Software releases should be kept current to avoid these problems and to position the installation to take advantage of new tools and technology soon after they become available. New Product Delivery Options IBM products are distributed by several methods: CBPDO, CBIPO and individual product orders. CBPDO delivers the product and service together on one tape and includes PSP information, program directories and HOLDDATA. CBIPO is a complete system or subsystem replacement that includes all products and integrated service. Individual product orders provide the product and a separate cumulative service tape. CBPDO is the recommended alternative for adding new products, while CBIPO is preferred when doing a complete system replacement. Depending on the degree of user customization required, the number and complexity of installed vendor products, and the simplicity of the install path, CBPDO may be more cost-effective even when replacing or updating major system components. Newer products may not be available via CBIPO, while older releases may not be available via CBPDO. The Software Product Install Process The install process for the CBIPO system replacement option consists of downloading the CBIPO system from tape and then recustomizing it to production requirements. The system will need to be restructured for future maintenance or installs if they are to done via the other delivery options. The process of applying new or updated software products with the other delivery options utilizes SMP/E, the delivery tapes and the cloned target system. Products and their service are RECEIVEd from the delivery tape or tapes. HOLDDATA is also RECEIVEd. PSP information about the software product levels to be applied must be reviewed and the latest HOLDDATA obtained from IBM. The install process continues with an APPLY CHECK followed by an APPLY directed at the target system. Exception conditions must resolved and USERMODs and APARS must be RESTORed before the APPLY. After the APPLY, the product is ACCEPTed into the system DLIBS. An APPLY CHECK is then run for any maintenance to the product, exception conditions again resolved, and the maintenance APPLY run. Any restored USERMODs and APARs must then be reapplied if still applicable. Once again, detailed product install tasks should be documented in a task checklist, and backups should be taken at strategic points to checkpoint the process. Testing the Updated System Once the software and or maintenance has been installed on the target system, it must be thoroughly tested before it can be cutover into production. Test time must be scheduled on the production machine or a separate test machine used. Time and care must be taken to test as many system functions as possible. Prudent testing is the critical success factor for the entire methodology. After a sufficient period of testing (determined by the complexity of the changes and the potential impact on the end users), the system is scheduled to be cutover into production. Moving the Updated System Into Production At the scheduled cutover time, the test system is IPLed in production mode. Additional testing may be required at this time, perhaps to test devices not available on the test system. If all goes well, the system is put first into limited and then full production. The original system volume is still available as a live fallback. If unsolvable problems arise with the updated system, the old system can be reIPLed from the original system volume. After the system has run without incident for an acceptable period of time, the old system volume can be backed up and the device used in the next cloning process. All outstanding service should be ACCEPTed before the next maintenance or product install process begins. The RESCUE System The concept of a RESCUE system is an extremely important part of the software management plan. The ability to get out of unexpected difficulties resulting from hardware failure, software failure or human error as quickly as possible is invaluable. The RESCUE system is a completely self-contained operating system that exists on a single volume specifically for the purpose of recovery. The RESCUE system should be kept current, particularly if major changes such as updated configuration or new hardware support are made to the environment. A properly implemented and maintained RESCUE volume will prove its worth many times over on the first instance that it is needed. /* Was this article of value to you? If so, please let us know by circling Reader Service No. 00. 2624